
panolli note

Recipient: Message: Files (max 10MB - optional):


Text hinter einem # wird Browser-Technologie-bedingt abgeschnitten, kann aber mit Knopfdruck in weiterer Pnote verschickt werden.

A note on privacy and security: A question mark at the end of the message might make your browser treat it as a search term and send it to google. Also anything typed in the browsers address bar will go to google if search suggestions are enabled. Just using pnote.me without prefixing it with https:// might leave you open to plain text snooping unless your browser has prefer-https enabled.

"reply-to" - cookie

When set the recipient of your pnotes can use Email-Reply to respond to you.

Reply-To-Account: Current: #

bookmarklet creator

Send pnotes with the click of a button.
Enter your account name and drag the link to your Bookmark-Toolbar.

Recipient: Sender(Reply-To): AlwaysPromptForRecipient: Bookmarklet: pnote

replyto-cookies may not work with the bookmarklet anymore due to Browsers defaulting to Strict Cookie policies and forbidding: SameSite=None; Secure -- Chrome v80 does not care anymore.

The replyto-cookie may be hardcoded in the bookmarklet.

feature: if there is a text-selection only the selected text will be pnoted.